Mind Share Versus Market Share

Abundance Collaboration Teamwork


Key Point: Mind Share is the principle of recognizing that abundance is created through the exchange of ideas and being collaborative. It works on the belief that the more we share, the more we have. Mind share also encourages us to ask what is possible. And thinking this way, along with appreciating that our personal view is only one (not the ONLY one), helps to generate ideas and build bridges between seemingly opposing thoughts. (Geez… Does the world need this attitude now more than ever)? Market share on the other hand normally determines who is right and who is wrong and focuses on taking from others versus expanding. Perhaps being driven exclusively by market share thinking, primarily at the expense of others, is too limiting? Can we really behave more collaboratively and still thrive in a market economy and highly competitive world? 

Collaborative Intelligence: Thinking With People Who Think Differently by Angie McArthur and Dawna Markova Ph.D. is a thought provoking, timely and very important book. In our organization, the ability to collaborate and deepen relationships is getting much more attention. Why? We are becoming a world in which relationships create more wealth than transactions—when things carry less value than ideas. In a “market share” world, scarcity determines value: “I have it and you don’t.” In a “mind share” world, abundance is created through the exchange of ideas and collaborative action: “The more we share, the more we have.”

McCarthur and Markova eloquently state: “We take for granted that intelligence occurs within our own minds. We don’t realize that it also occurs between us. What keeps us from communicating effectively is that most of us don’t know how to think with people who think differently than we do… The most significant work we have done with clients, therefore, has been to develop strategies and practices that make it possible to unleash each person’s potential and to think across habitual divides. We teach them how to maximize the value of their intellectual diversity. We call this collaborative intelligence… One’s collaborative quotient (or ‘CQ’) is a ‘measure of your ability to think with others on behalf of what matters to us all.’

The authors provide a personal assessment tool in both the introduction and at the end of the book so that you can rate your own CQ. And they have developed four strategies for activating it: 

  1. Identifying and maximizing your own Mind Pattern, the “way you process and respond to information.”
  2. Identifying your Thinking Talents and blind spots in the way you approach challenges, as well as those of your colleagues.
  3. Identifying the way you frame questions, or Inquiry.
  4. Generating Mind Share, the “mindset shift required to generate alignment within your team.”

Character Moves: 

  1. Recognize that the ability to be inclusive, highly collaborative and deepen relationships is a PRACTICE.  
  1. Start with yourself and your team. How truly inclusive and collaborative are you? What’s your CQ? Find out.
  1. Read Collaborative Intelligence and/or Team Genius. Do not take for granted that you intuitively know or will just figure out how to skillfully collaborate and create more Mind Share.

More Mind Share in the Triangle,


One Millennial View: I think Mind Share is greatly important and an abundant approach. Unfortunately, when some parties involved would rather play the game of “Mind Take” and don’t pull their weight, then that’s where we have to be cautious. So, I understand the need to not completely discount Market Share. While Mind Share is ideal, it’s our responsibility to apply it but also not take advantage of it. “The more we share, the more we have” only applies when what we’re all adding to the pile. Luckily, teams can’t often win with just one “star player” alone, it’s up to us all to be “star players” with our own different talents and traits in order to make the best collaboration. 

– Garrett

Edited and published by Garrett Rubis